Thursday, June 23, 2011


If I may, or if I might...Steve Moore has decided to do his own blog! This is a good thing. I think it's wonderful. I'm his wife, so I am biased!!! :)

Here it is, check it out! Click below for his blog:

gmancasefile: THE PERILS OF THE PRESUMPTIVE HEADLINE: "According to the dictionary, to presume is: 1. To act overconfidently; take liberties. 2. To take unwarranted advantage of something; go..."

And if I were to add anything to this it would be this: "Dear Barbie Nadeau, thanks for saying through Newsweek that Steve was hurting Amanda's appeal. I can't wait to see what happens in court next week when the results come back! See ya then. This time, however, please do not claim to be tweeting throughout the entire ordeal unless you are INDEED tweeting  (instead of merely having someone else do your dirty work for you). Not cool.

See ya then!! :)