Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Ex-boyfriend Uses Court's Summations to His Advantage

I'm impressed, Raffaele has spoken up loudly against the Italians. I'm smiling. Though allegations against Amanda and Raffaele were proven wrong (this time the sms text against Amanda), this Court has convicted them over and over again. It's as if the Judges had headphones on and were listening to their iPod's while sitting on their own toilets when the defense spoke. Sound familiar? The difference is, that instead of brutally murdering and sexually assaulting an innocent victim, this court is trying, still, to completely ruin two more innocent victims...So they can get away with crime. And just like Rudy, they attempt to look honest and innocent. They don't. And who wants to admit to their crimes if they can possibly get away with it? They won't.


The World's Greatest Circus: featuring the prized Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito

It wasn't supposed to be a circus. It was supposed to be two young women on the adventure of a lifetime. One, a beautiful American, the other, an exotic beauty from England. There was supposed to be a happy ending to this fairy tale trip.

Instead, as we all so horribly know, Meredith Kercher was brutally murdered cutting short a life full of potential. Amanda was lucky--had she been home that night, it would have been her who died at the hands of Rudy Guede. But her luck ended when she was inexplicably accused of murdering her friend Meredith.
The nightmare that's left for the two families, victims of Rudy Guede and the Italian justice system, seems to be a never ending ordeal. In fact it's become more, it's become the sleaziest circus I've seen. The seven year long freak show that bankrupts all who enter, and ushers all reluctant participants into a dark Cirque de Soleil sideshow where Amanda and Raffaele are caged for people's amusement.

It's disturbing.   Let me expound.

There are some Meredith Kercher "supporters" on the internet asking anyone (who will listen) to report a Ground Report Article to Google (see link below, that's the lucky article). Why? Because they don't like it. And they want to censor and silence any speech with which they disagree. They hate it and despise the author for writing it. They simply won't allow this to be said aloud. The author advocates for Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito. Yet, these anti Knox people want it to disappear simply because they hate it. And they believe they can. I'm sure some protested the Black Fish Documentary too. These folks are just a tiny additional part (the "extras") in this sleazy circus.

There is a delusional mindset in the cult of the haters of Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito that they can help take anyone down. One of them said that they were going to take Steve Moore down (that's my husband who I am very proud of) because he had the audacity to tell people he believed that Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito were innocent. (The hateful threatener failed.)
They have created a caricature of Amanda in their mind, one which feeds their dislike of America and their jealousy of people of privilege. The irony here is that Amanda's family is certainly not rich. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a sleazy circus would believe sleazy Tabloids. They cannot believe her to be a girl who could not possibly have committed the crime she's accused of. They truly believe their own circus tricks, their smoke and mirrors. Some play magicians in this Circus, they make things disappear by simply hiding them.

I believe what they've done is wrong. Fortunately, I have the freedom to speak my mind (God bless America). So, because of this, please, allow me to share share:

RINGSIDE AT THE SLEAZE CIRCUS, MEREDITH KERCHER’S LEGACY | Corruption, News | – Latest World News & Opinions

I agree with this article, I like it. And because I like it, I, too, am a target in their dart game, just like everyone else who agrees with us.  The comments that await us are not comments that discuss or respectfully challenge our beliefs. It's an attempt to shut us down, intimidate and shut us up. I do not open their comments, they have no permission to be a part of my life. They have no power over me. I don't hate them. But, I hate what these people wrongly do. It's as if it's just video game to them with no real consequences for their actions. Their methods lack integrity. The magic isn't real and the cost... unfathomable. Instead of these people coming off as Meredith Kercher Supporters they come off as an Amanda Knox Hater cult. Witch Hunters.   They're not welcome in my "living room" and I won't pay to attend their sleazy circus. Life's too short.

Meredith, during happy times with her big sister. Obviously she loved her big sister and was proud of her

Amanda and her sister, Deanna, during happier times

Blessings galore and Moore,
